The second job was to assemble and install cabinet kits in the rear of the station bay. The job also included building
and istalling a jacket hook baseboard.
Project Leader: Anthony Augello
Project Mentor: Mr. Scott Bevan
Look at all of that wall space! |
Matt Morrow takes down the map cover. |
The Gable Brothers know how to put those things together! |
The jacket hook baseboard gets sanded. |
Matt Heiser and Dan Gable assemble cabinets. |
The status board is taken down to install cabinets. |
The cabinets get drilled into the wall. |
Mr. Scott Bevan and Justin Padgett figure out how to install the doors. |
Mr. Dave Galbraith puts the boxes aside. |
Once the cabinets were installed, they were filled! |
The wall before cabinets. |
A view of the wall before work is done. |
Matt Morrow, Dan & Jeff Gable, and Matt Heiser take down the map cover. |
Matt Morrow, Jeff, & Dan Gable assemble the cabinets. |
Matt Morrow paints the jacket hook baseboard. |
Mr. Ed Heiser and the Gable brothers work on the cabinets. |
The first cabinet gets lined up. |
The new jacket hooks are installed. |
The cabinets are installed. |
The cabinets were then later labeled. |