Boy Scouts of America - Troop 43, Pride of Bath, Pennsylvania

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Troop 43 history of events over the past few years.



Our Troop goal is to hold one outdoor outing per month (primarily camping and/or hiking). Times, meeting places and uniforms will be announced in advance of each activity. Camping is one of the cornerstones of advancement and learning within the Boy Scout program. Where possible, the Troop will attend outdoor programs sponsored by the Council and North Valley District (i.e. Jamboree’s, Snowbound, First Aid meets, etc.) A one-week summer residence camp is a primary Troop activity. This experience really helps facilitate advancement and build leadership skills.

The troop participates in the following activities throughout the year:

      · Snowbound

      · Hawkeye or Seranova Cabin Camp

      · Gettysburg

      · Spring Camporee

      · Jambo

                    · Summer Camp

      · Klecknersville Rangers Campout

      · Fall Camporee

      · Scouting for Food

      · First Aid Meet at Klecknersville Rangers

      · Junior Leader Training

Service Projects

Helping other people is a key part of the Scout Oath and scouts are expected to complete service hours as part of their rank advancement and scout spirit. Troop 43 engages in service projects and helps with events sponsored by Sacred Heart Church that can be counted as service hours for the scouts. During the year, scouts will have the opportunity to participate in events such as:

Church Sponsored Event

· Setting up and cleaning up for events at Sacred Heart Picnic

· Helping with the Parish breakfast

Assisting with Cub Pack 43 Events

· Assisting with the annual Pinewood Derby

· Running stations at the Pack Fall Fun Day

This is not meant to be a complete list of the opportunities for service. Scouts are encouraged to seek opportunities for service and to propose ideas for Troop service projects to the PLC.


Snowbound 2000
Ice fishing Trip 2000
Mauser's Field 3
Spring Camporee at Trexler 2000
Klecknersville Merit Badge Campout 2000
Camp Minsi 2000
Klecknersville First Aid meet 2000
Gettysburg Campout
Scouting for Food 2000

Snowbound 2002
Space Ex. MB  Cabin campout @ Trexler
Hickory Run Campout
Summer Camp at Minsi 2002
Archery Merit Badge Weekend
Fall Camporee @ Trexler Game Preserve
Advancement Campout @ Bicentennial Park
Klecknersville First Aid Meet
Scouting For Food 2002

Hawkeye Cabin Camp - JLT
Jambo - Racefest
Summer Camp @ Minsi
Scouting Pride Expo - Fall Camporee
Scouting for Food
1st Aid Meet at Klecknersville Rangers


Snowbound 2001
Ice Fishing 2001
Winter Camping at Trexler
Junior Leader Traning
Campout at Hickory Run State Park
Summer Camp @ Minsi June 24-29
Warplane Campout @ Elmira, NY July 13-14
Aviation Merit Badge Campout August
Fall Camporee @ Trexler Sept. 14-16
Lancaster Cabin Campout Nov. 2-4
Scouting for food 2001
First Aid Meet 2001 @ Klecknersville Rangers

Snowbound 2003
Valley Forge Campout (PTA Convention Opening & Closing)
Spring Camporee
Klecknersville Rangers Campout
Summer Camp at Camp Meade, Hawk Mt. SR
Northampton Fire Dept. Campout
Scouting Pride Expo - Fall Camporee

Created by Matt Heiser